Application of Web Based Book Calculation using Deterministic Dynamic Programming Algorithm

The library procurement materials is one of the technical services activities in a library as an effort to provide information needed by librarians. in doing the calculation of the procurement book (stock) of in library Universitas Malikussaleh still not automated and computerized and common error occurred on the the given amount of procurement the library because calculation was carried out using the tools count, with the application calculation book of stock it would make simply in calculation stock in library of Universitas malikussaleh. This application calculation stock of book is using deterministic dynamic programming algorithm for calculation process, deterministic dynamic programming itself is a method with gradually solutions and every stage will get an optimal solutions. By using this method it would know whether are the amount of stock of book has been Optimal. This Research conducted by the writer in unit. The library of Universitas Malikussaleh are taking total which start in 2012-2016 and the result by using dynamic programming deterministic algorithm is 270,779 as the optimal solutions in 2016.

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