Academic rigour in the lived experience of researchers using phenomenological methods in nursing in nursing

In its quest for knowledge, nursing has relied heavily on the positivist approach to scientific enquiry. Phenomenological enquiry identifies the essence of a phenomenon and accurately describes it through the lived experience. Through consistency in the use of the methodology, and avoidance of method slurring, academic rigour can be maintained. It is advocated that the phenomenological method is congruent with nursing ideals where humanistic knowledge is valued. Nurses and phenomenologists share skills in observation, interviewing, interaction and interpersonal relationships in the appreciation of the individual's perception of an experience. Through the development of professional practice, nurses thus gain the tools to assist them in phenomenological research. It is suggested that, given appropriate attention to rigour, phenomenological methodology could become the basic instrument in the reform of nursing research as it moves from the positivist to the humanist paradigm.

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