The curriculum is the most important element in the educational process. The curriculum is constantly changing in order to find the perfect formula to improve the quality of education. The change is not only caused by the development of science and technology, but social aspects or even a disaster can also be the factors for changing curriculum. Such as non-natural disasters, which have attacked Indonesia since March 2020, namely the COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic demands that education managers in each institution to innovate in compiling a curriculum that can be implemented effectively and efficiently. Such as the child-friendly curriculum implemented in MI Barokah At-Tahdzib. The study aims to explain the implementation of the child-friendly curriculum at MI Barokah At-Tahdzib during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The method used is a qualitative method with interactive model data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the child-friendly curriculum is implemented by 1) implementing offline learning while still paying attention to health protocols 2) Creating study groups consisting of a maximum of 12 children to reduce social and physical distance with a learning duration of 1.5-2 hours 3) Assessment Learning cognitive and psychomotor aspects carried out in a network via Whatsapp and google form, the cost of sending affective aspects is carried out by observation techniques when face-to-face group learning