Covalency Effects in KNiF3. II. Optical Studies

The optical spectra of KNiF3 and KMgF3: Ni2+ crystals have been measured between 5000 and 40 000 cm1 and from 300 to 4.2°K. Five bands were observed and used to determine three parameters in the ligand field analysis. The cubic crystal field splitting 10Dq was determined to be 7250 cm1 and the Racah parameters B=955 cm1 and C=4230 cm1. In KNiF3, below the Néel temperature of 275°K, there was an average additional shift of 320 cm1 to higher energies as compared with the magnetically disordered Ni2+ in KMgF3. This is explained on a molecular field model. An unexpected splitting below TN of the A23E1 transition in KNiF3, which was not observed in the magnetically dilute crystals has been observed.

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