A possible new cause of spa bath folliculitis: Aeromonas hydrophila

A 34-year-old man presented with a pubic eruption of 4 weeks duration, affecting both himself and his partner. He had been treated unsuccessfully with intravenous and oral dicloxacillin. The eruption was a severely inflammatory folliculitis, with haemo-serous exudate and marked oedema. A clinical diagnosis of herpes simplex virus folliculitis was disproved when routine bacteriology isolated Aeromonas hydrophila and multiple viral polymerase chain reaction studies were negative. Histology demonstrated a chronic folliculitis with no organisms present. Both he and his partner were treated with oral ciprofloxacin 500 mg bd for 6 weeks with clinical clearance of infection, but both developed a scarring alopecia. Infection was attributed to possible contamination of a poorly maintained home spa bath with A. hydrophila.