Railway and Metro Suicides

This article reviews research on railway and metro (underground and subway) suicides around the world. Although the incidence and survival rates vary and standardized methodologies are lacking, it is evident that there is a high incidence among psychiatric patients and at stations, crossings, and track areas near psychiatric institutions. Fictional and news reports of railway and metro suicides are related to increased rates, and false beliefs about a certain, fatal, and painless outcome may contribute to use of this method. Train drivers and rail personnel are often traumatized and in need of personal support after the incident. Most prevention involves surveillance, limiting access to tracks, or prompt intervention during an attempt. Other potential strategies include focusing upon the high-risk populations of previous attempters and patients in psychiatric facilities near stations and tracks and changing attitudes concerning the acceptability of this method to ensure that potentially suicidally active individuals are not under the illusion that this is a certain and painless method of death.