Manometric responses of human duodenum during infusion of HCl, hyperosmolar saline, bile and oleic acid

Duodenal motor activity is incompletely understood. The purpose of this study was to define the contractile patterns of the duodenum that occur in response to rate controlled injection of various solutions. In nine healthy volunteers we placed a six channel perfused catheter, and recorded pressure activity in the antrum, pylorus and duodenum. Volumes of 10 and 20 mL of 0.9% NaCl, 100 mM HCl (pH 1), 5% NaCl (1711 mOsm/kg), human bile and iso-osmolar sodium oleate were randomly injected into the duodenum at 20 ml/min, starting 15 min after phase III migratory motor complex (MMC). A 20 mL bolus of each solution caused more activity (P < 0.05) than a 10 mL bolus, but the motor pattern was similar. The control, 0.9% NaCl, produced occasional pressure waves, whereas bile and sodium oleate induced more (P < 0.05) activity which consisted of low amplitude, isolated or clusters (2-4 cycle/min) of non-propagating pressure waves that occurred at random sites. In three subjects, oleate produced isolated pyloric phasic contractions. In contrast, HCl and 5% NaCl induced high amplitude pressure waves that were seen either at a single channel or at multiple channels, occurring simultaneously. The motility index was also greater (P < 0.05) than that induced by other solutions. Additionally, within 2 min of infusion, a phase III MMC like pattern was observed in five of the nine subjects who received HCl and three of the nine who received 5% NaCl. A non-nutrient iso-osmolar solution induced occasional motor activity. HCl and hyperosmolar solutions induced more frequent and large amplitude, segmental contractions whereas lipid and bile induced fewer and smaller amplitude contractions. The volume, the pH, the osmolar and the nutrient make up of the infusate may each influence the duodenal motor responses.