Endoscopic surgery in Japan

Endoscopic surgery was first used in Japan in 1990, initially for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a technique for which it has now become established as a standard protocol. Endoscopic surgery has further developed and spread to various other areas of surgery over the last decade. According to the results of the most recent questionnaire conducted by the Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, this method was employed in over 240 000 patients during the period 1990-99. This total number included operations in the following surgical areas: 149 000 abdominal; 37 000 thoracic; 666 mammary and thyroid gland; 753 cardiovascular surgery; 44 000 obstetrics and gynaecology; 4000 urologic surgery; 693 orthopaedics; and 3100 plastic surgery. Based on the present situation, in which the number of cases in these areas continues to increase each year, it is believed that an increasing number of surgical operations will continue to be performed endoscopically.