Microbiologically verified diagnosis of infectious spondylitis using CT‐guided fine needle biopsy

Using a computed tomography (CT)-guided technique we have been able to obtain fine needle spine biopsies directly from an affected vertebra or disk plate in 14 patients suspected of infectious spondylitis. The bioptic material was cultivated immediately and incubated for 14 days. Cultures from eight patients were positive. No single microbiological agent was predominant though coagulase-negative staphylococci were frequent. In no case were mycobacteria found. Bioptic material from six patients did not give rise to growth of microorganisms. We were able to successfully treat the eight patients with a culture-positive biopsy. We think that biopsies are crucial for establishing a microbiological diagnosis. The whole procedure takes less than one hour; it is performed under local anaesthesia and is thus not very stressful for the patient: The success rate for obtaining a positive spine biopsy was 57%.