The accessibility of general NHS services for children with disabilities

Through conversations with members of a parent-run support organization, mixed concerns were identified about the accessibility of general National Health Service (NHS) services for children with disabilities. A questionnaire, aimed at uncovering the main issues related to general health services for children with disabilities was designed with representatives from the parent-run support organization. The questionnaire was administered as part of a semi-structured interview with 25 parents of children with disabilities (mainly learning disabilities). Eight themes were reported 'preparation', 'flexibility', 'parking', 'physical space', 'waiting areas and consultation rooms', 'health professionals' understanding and knowledge of disabilities, particularly around communication', 'on the wards' and 'overseeing care'. Themes are presented with parents' useful comments and suggestions. As the themes are wide ranging it is suggested that the research be repeated, focusing in on particular areas of general NHS services.