Dynamics of photoexcited states inC60: An optically detected magnetic resonance, ESR, and light-induced ESR study

The photoluminescence X-band optically deleted magnetic resonance (ODMR), ESR, and light-induced ESR (LESR) of C60 films and C60 in toluene/polystyrene glass (C60:T/PS are described. The ESR at g=1.998 and delocalized triplet LESR and ODMR of C60:T/PS are similar to previously reported spectra. In films, the ODMR indicates that the delocalized triplet is larger and distorted by neighboring molecules. In addition, another, more localized triplet and a narrow photoluminescence-enhancing line at g=2.0017±0.0005, consistent with intermolecular polaron recombination, are also observed in films but not glasses.