A Downy Mildew Effector Attenuates Salicylic Acid–Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis by Interacting with the Host Mediator Complex

Plants are continually exposed to pathogen attack but usually remain healthy because they can activate defences upon perception of microbes. However, pathogens have evolved to overcome plant immunity by delivering effectors into the plant cell to attenuate defence, resulting in disease. Recent studies suggest that some effectors may manipulate host transcription, but the specific mechanisms by which such effectors promote susceptibility remain unclear. We study the oomycete downy mildew pathogen of Arabidopsis, Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa), and show here that the nuclear-localized effector HaRxL44 interacts with Mediator subunit 19a (MED19a), resulting in the degradation of MED19a in a proteasome-dependent manner. The Mediator complex of ∼25 proteins is broadly conserved in eukaryotes and mediates the interaction between transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II. We found MED19a to be a positive regulator of immunity against Hpa. Expression profiling experiments reveal transcriptional changes resembling jasmonic acid/ethylene (JA/ET) signalling in the presence of HaRxL44, and also 3 d after infection with Hpa. Elevated JA/ET signalling is associated with a decrease in salicylic acid (SA)–triggered immunity (SATI) in Arabidopsis plants expressing HaRxL44 and in med19a loss-of-function mutants, whereas SATI is elevated in plants overexpressing MED19a. Using a PR1::GUS reporter, we discovered that Hpa suppresses PR1 expression specifically in cells containing haustoria, into which RxLR effectors are delivered, but not in nonhaustoriated adjacent cells, which show high PR1::GUS expression levels. Thus, HaRxL44 interferes with Mediator function by degrading MED19, shifting the balance of defence transcription from SA-responsive defence to JA/ET-signalling, and enhancing susceptibility to biotrophs by attenuating SA-dependent gene expression. The highly conserved Mediator complex plays an essential role in transcriptional regulation by providing a molecular bridge between transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Recent studies in Arabidopsis have revealed that it also performs an essential role in plant defence. However, it remains unknown how pathogens manipulate Mediator function in order to increase a plant's susceptibility to infection. In this article, we show that a secreted effector, HaRxL44, from the Arabidopsis downy mildew pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa), interacts with and degrades the Mediator subunit MED19a, resulting in the alteration of plant defence gene transcription. This effector-mediated interference with host transcriptional regulation perturbs the balance between jasmonic acid/ethylene (JA/ET) and salicylic acid (SA)–dependent defence. HaRxL44 interaction with MED19a results in reduced SA-regulated gene expression, indicating that this pathogen effector modulates host transcription to promote virulence. The resulting alteration in defence transcription patterns compromises the plant's ability to defend itself against pathogens, such as Hpa, that establish long-term parasitic interactions with living host cells via haustoria (a pathogen structure that creates an expanded host/parasite interface to extract nutrients) but not against necrotrophic pathogens that kill host cells. HaRxL44 is unlikely to be the sole effector that accomplishes this shift in hormonal balance, and other nuclear HaRxL proteins were reported by other researchers to interact with Mediator components, as well as with other regulators of the JA/ET signalling pathway. Functional analyses of these effectors should facilitate the discovery of new components of the plant immune system. These data show that pathogens can target fundamental mechanisms of host regulation in order to tip the balance of signalling pathways to suppress defence and favour parasitism.