Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus emerged from an animal reservoir in 2002 and has the potential to reemerge, as shown by the occurrence of non-laboratory-associated new cases in the winter of 2003. In the absence of a vaccine, broad spectrum anticoronaviral medications are needed. Objective: Anticoronavirals targeting viral entry were reviewed in part I. Here we review anticoronaviral therapies directed against the intracellular life cycle, with an emphasis on allowed patents and pending patents. Method: The published literature, in particular, patent publications is searched for relevant documents. The information is organized and critiqued. Results/conclusion: Many promising anticoronaviral strategies are identified. Monoclonal antibodies, protease inhibitors, interferon-based drugs and nucleic-acid based antivirals are most advanced, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. A multi-pronged approach, keeping all venues open, is advocated.