Figure S3 from Arginine Depletion Therapy with ADI-PEG20 Limits Tumor Growth in Argininosuccinate Synthase–Deficient Ovarian Cancer, Including Small-Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type

Decreased ASS1 expression correlates with CTNNB1 mutation in ENOC and EEC. A, ASS1 mRNA Z-score in 26 cases of ENOC cases described in publication by Wang et al (30). B, ASS1 histoscore distribution in CTNNB1 mutated and wildtype endometroid endometrial and endometrioid ovarian cancers. C, ASS1 mRNA raw counts in the TCGA endometrial cohort as related to CTNNB1 mutation status. P values were calculated using a Wilcoxin rank sum test.