Mitotic Rate and Renewal Time of the Corneal Epithelium in the Rat

The regenerative power of the stratified squamous corneal epithelium was recognized long ago. It can be ascribed in part to the constant rapid physiological regeneration of the corneal epithelium that occurs by continuous mitotic activity and desquamation of epithelial cells. A contributing factor to the rapid healing of corneal wounds is migration of the cells adjacent to the region of epithelial denudation, that rapidly fill the gap.1,2 There are few other tissues whose mitotic activity has been studied as extensively and under as great a variety of conditions as that of the cornea. Contributions to this field by Friedenwald and associates are particularly outstanding. The majority of factors and agents that have been tested exerted a depressing effect upon the mitotic activity of the corneal epithelium, such as the application of ether and a variety of drugs.3Mechanical injury was immediately followed by a brief temporary fall in