The use of neobladders in women undergoing cystectomy for transitional-cell cancer

Recent studies have provided us with new insights into the natural history of female bladder cancer as well as the behaviour of the isolated urethra after cystectomy. Based on more than 16 years of experience with orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction to the urethra in men, a similar approach was attempted in women with transitional-cell cancer of the bladder. Refinements in the technique of cystectomy and subsequent intestinourethral anastomosis based on anatomical, histological, and clinical studies are described that should improve postoperative results in women undergoing anterior exenteration and creation of an orthotopic neobladder to the urethra. Our findings in a series of 11 patients are presented and compared with data from other institutions. Improved postoperative continence and micturition without compromise of the oncological outcome may be a result of preservation of the entire lateral vaginal walls, nerve-sparing dissection of the bladder neck and proximal urethra, removal of 1 cm of proximal urethra en bloc with the cystectomy specimen, and a J-omentum flap or an additional attachment of the anastomosed intestinal pouch to surrounding pelvic structures. Taken together, our average of 90% daytime and 73% nighttime continence, 90% spontaneous residual-free micturition, and 100% patient satisfaction without compromise of the surgical oncological outcome seems to justify the creation of an orthotopic neobladder in selected women with bladder cancer.