Epidemiología de dermatosis pediátricas en la región centro-occidental de Anatolia en Turquía

The field of pediatric dermatology has gained importance with the increment of pediatric patients and the discrepancy of their skin diseases with the adult versions. We aimed to describe frequency and distribution of pediatric skin diseases, and the diagnostic procedures and treatments prescribed. Cross-sectional epidemiological study. We collected data about diagnostic patterns, diagnostic methods and treatment modalities in pediatric dermatology outpatient clinic visits over 18 months. Infectious diseases (27.9%) and among them viral warts (17.5%) were the most prevalent diagnoses, followed by acne-acneiform diseases (19.9%) and allergic diseases (14.5%). Among the diagnostic tests histopathology was required in 5.2%, usually to diagnose inflammatory and tumoral lesions. Topical treatments (49.3%) were followed by systemic treatments (32.4%) in majority of cases. Viral warts were among the most common dermatoses, and preventive measures for HPV transmission should become important part of public health efforts in children.