Shadows of Thought: Shifting Lateralization of Human Brain Electrical Patterns During Brief Visuomotor Task

Dynamic spatial patterns of correlation of electrical potentials recorded from the human brain were shown in diagrams generated by mathematical pattern recognition. The patterns for "move" and "no-move" variants of a brief visuospatial task were compared. In the interval spanning the P300 peak of the evoked potential, higher correlations of the right parietal electrode with occipital and central electrodes distinguished the no-move task from the move task. In the next interval, spanning the readiness potential in the move task, higher correlations of the left central electrode with occipital and frontal electrodes characterized the move task. These results conform to neuropsychological expectations of localized processing and their temporal sequence. The rapid change in the side and site of localized processes may account for conflicting reports of lateralization in studies which lacked adequate spatial and temporal resolution.