Family pesticide use in the home, garden, orchard, and yard

This study examined family use of pesticides in the home, garden, orchard, and yard. Data were collected from 238 families in Missouri during telephone interviews from June 1989 to March 1990. Nearly all families (97.8%) used pesticides at least one time per year and two thirds used pesticides more than five times per year. More than 80% used pesticides during pregnancy and 70% used pesticides during the first 6 months of a child's life. The most common setting for family pesticide use was in the home, where 80% of families used pesticides at least once per year. This was followed by herbicide use to control yard weeds (57% of families) and insecticide use to control fleas and ticks on pets (50% of families). A substantial number of families also used pesticides in the garden or orchard (33%). Flea collars were the most popular pest control product (50% of families). Carbaryl or Sevin® was also popular, with 28.2% of families reporting use. No-pest-strips (dichlorvos) and Kwell® shampoo (lindane) were used by almost 10% of participating families. Examination of study data revealed that families limited exposure to pesticides for the mother during pregnancy and for children during the first 6 months of life. Families failed to recognize and reduce pervasive exposures associated with no-pest-strips and flea collars.