Assessment of BDS Signal-in-Space Accuracy and Standard Positioning Performance During 2013 and 2014

At the end of 2011, BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS) moved into the phase of experimental operation, indicating that BDS, after GPS and GLONASS, became the third satellite system providing free service of PNT. In this paper, the positioning performance of BDS from Jan, 2013 was assessed. The data sources, as well as the generation of precise orbit and clock, were described, and the precisions of broadcast orbit, clock and signal in space for GEO/IGSO/MEO satellites were analyzed. The civil signal B1I of BDS was utilized to assess the accuracy of single point positioning (SPP) with code measurements. It is illustrated that the precision of URE for BDS could reach 1.5–2.0 m, and that the both horizontal and vertical precision of SPP reach 10 m in service area.