Differential-Detection Aided Large-Scale Generalized Spatial Modulation is Capable of Operating in High-Mobility Millimeter-Wave Channels

A large-scale differential-detection aided generalized spatial modulation (GSM) system is proposed, which relies on a novel Gram-Schmidt basis set and an adaptive low-complexity detector, and is evidently suitable for high-mobility millimeter-wave (mmWave) channels. We consider non-stationary time-varying mmWave channels and assume that the beam-angles remain relatively fixed, while the channel coefficients vary rapidly. In this scenario, it is a challenging task to find the accurate estimates of channel coefficients for digital beamforming, which becomes an even more severe problem, as the numbers of subarrays and subcarriers increase. Our analog-beamforming-aided nonsquare differentially-detected scheme achieves a higher transmission rate than the conventional coherent multiple-input multiple-output schemes because the pilot overhead and the complex-valued feedback are eliminated. Our simulation results following the IEEE 802.11ad specifications show that the performance of our proposed nonsquare differential GSM improved upon increasing the number of subarrays, where the maximum transmission rate of 16 [bps/Hz] was considered.
Funding Information
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Kakenhi (17H07036, 19K14987)
  • JSPS KAKENHI (16KK0120)
  • EPSRC projects (EP/P034284/1, EP/N004558/1, EP/L018659/1)
  • Royal Society's GRCF Award
  • ERC's Advanced Fellow Award QuantCom

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