Spinal intraarterial computed tomography angiography as an effective adjunct for spinal angiography

OBJECT Spinal digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is indispensable for the precise diagnosis of spinal vascular lesions and the assessment of blood supply to the spinal cord. However, comprehensive spinal DSA covering multiple segments requires repetition of selective catheterization into small segmental arteries, which is time consuming, sometimes difficult, and hazardous. The authors investigated the usefulness of CT angiography with intraarterial contrast injection (IA-CTA) as a preliminary study preceding spinal DSA. With the advent of multidetector CT, it is feasible to obtain images of the spinal cord vasculature instantaneously overa number of segments. METHODS A total of 56 patients with lesions involving the spinal vasculature underwent IA-CTA with 64- or 320-row detector CT in advance of comprehensive spinal DSA. Contrast material was injected via a pigtail catheter placed at the aorta in proximity to the segments of interest. Scanning was repeated twice to obtain arterial- and venous-phase im...