Expression profile of the putative catalytic subunit of the telomerase gene.

  • 15 February 1998
    • journal article
    • Vol. 58 (4), 622-5
Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein complex, adds hexameric repeats called telomeres to the growing ends of chromosomal DNA. The enzyme telomerase activity is present in a vast majority of tumors but is repressed in most normal tissues. Recently, two groups have reported the molecular cloning of the putative catalytic subunit (hEST2/hTRT) of the telomerase gene. We investigated the expression of this gene in diverse tumor-derived cell lines and tumors as well as in various normal tissues. The expression of hEST2/hTRT was detectable in tumor-derived cell lines, primary breast tumors, pancreatic tumors, and kidney tumors. Furthermore, the expression of hEST2/hTRT was down-regulated in response to a differentiation inducer. However, several normal tissues also expressed varying levels of hEST2/hTRT. Early passage cultures of endothelial fibroblasts and some epithelial cells also expressed the telomerase gene, albeit at low levels. In contrast, the expression of TLP1/TP1, the human homologue of Tetrahymena p80 telomerase subunit, was similar in all of these samples. Our results indicate that the differences in expression of hEST2/hTRT in tumor versus normal cells are relative and are not absolute.