Microstructure and damping in FeTiN and CoFe films

Thermally stable films of FeTiN, have been prepared and characterized by ferromagnetic resonance, x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelecton spectroscopy, and magnetostriction measurements to determine the relationships between the microstructure and the damping constants. The resonance studies were carried out at multiple frequencies to determine the intrinsic damping constant, α, and the extrinsic damping constant, ΔH0, as well as values of the anisotropy field, Hk, the gyromagnetic ratio, γ, and the saturation magnetization value, 4πMs. Data from similar experiments on CoFe films were compared with the FeTiN data. Our results show no relationship between intrinsic damping and the magnetostriction, but a strong dependence of the extrinsic constant on the grain size.