Hospital Nurse Staffing and Patient Mortality, Nurse Burnout, and Job Dissatisfaction

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The past decade has been a turbulent time for US hospitals and practicing nurses. News media have trumpeted urgent concerns about hospital understaffing and a growing hospital nurse shortage.1-3 Nurses nationwide consistently report that hospital nurse staffing levels are inadequate to provide safe and effective care.4-6 Physicians agree, citing inadequate nurse staffing as a major impediment to the provision of high-quality hospital care.7 The shortage of hospital nurses may be linked to unrealistic nurse workloads.8 Forty percent of hospital nurses have burnout levels that exceed the norms for health care workers.4 Job dissatisfaction among hospital nurses is 4 times greater than the average for all US workers, and 1 in 5 hospital nurses report that they intend to leave their current jobs within a year.4