[Respiratory function study on insulin-dependant diabetics (author's transl)].

  • 1 January 1982
    • journal article
    • abstracts
    • Vol. 10 (3), 213-24
A present report on insulin dependant diabetics described changes in ventilatory mechanics and a decrease of pulmonary volumes; other studies ended up with different results, i.e. an absence of any spirographic change: the current study agrees with the latter findings. Yet, we noticed an alteration in the CO transfer of the lungs at the alveolar-capillary membrane level which appeared to be due to a reduced pulmonary capillary volume. The duration of the disease and the possible appearance of characteristic complications of diabetes did not seem to have any influence on the functional parameters measured. On the other hand, a broncho-pulmonary disorder independant of diabetes but associated with certain ailments (chronic bronchitis, sequelae of tuberculosis, ... tobacco smoking, etc.) led, as one might have foreseen, to functional ventilatory disturbances. A histological and haematological study would be a logical sequel to our study to clarify the mechanism of the diminished pulmonary transfer capacity.