Use of evidence‐based therapy and survival in heart failure in Sweden 2003–2012

Aims In heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, drug and device therapy improve survival. We studied contemporary trends in utilization of evidence-based therapy and associated survival. Methods and results We studied 5908 patients with NYHA class II–IV heart failure, EF P-values for trends were as follows: renin–angiotensin system antagonists, 88% vs. 86% (P = 0.091); beta-blockers, 85% vs. 93% (P = 0.008); mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, 53% vs. 42% (P < 0.001); CRT, 2.4% vs. 8.2% (P = 0.074); and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, 4.0% vs. 10.7% (P = 0.004). During the same period, the risk-adjusted 30-day, 1-year, and 3-year survival was 92% vs. 94% (P = 0.532), 81% vs. 77% (P = 0.260), and 58% vs. 54% (P = 0.425), respectively. Conclusions In this large nationwide registry, over the last decade the use of evidence-based drug therapy was high and remained stable over time, but, despite an increased use of device therapy, the absolute use was poor. This was associated with an absence of improvement in survival. The improvements in therapy and prognosis over the last generation may be levelling off, and efforts should be directed at improving implementation of evidence-based therapy.
Funding Information
  • Hjärt-Lungfonden (20080409, 20100419)
  • Stockholms Läns Landsting (0055‐2009, 20110120)