Protracted acute stress reaction following an earthquake

Objective: To verify the official criteria of ICD‐10 diagnosis of acute stress reaction (ASR) among earthquake victims. Method: Data on psychosocial variables and the diagnosis of ASR were collected from 91 subjects. Results: The diagnosis of ASR was made in 70% of the sample. However, the restrictive duration criterion (i.e. symptoms not exceeding the first 48 h) was fulfilled only in 10%; in the remaining 60% the symptoms lasted for about another week. Thus, 60% of the sample constituted a group with protracted ASR (PASR) and 40% a group without it (n‐PASR). Medical history was more frequent among PASR than n‐PASR; PASR showed higher anxiety levels (both pre‐ and post‐disaster) than n‐PASR; finally, the persistence of ASR related positively to the fear of death at the time of the earthquake and pre‐disaster anxiety levels. Conclusion: As in the vast majority of earthquake victims the ASR is protracted beyond 48 h, a revision of ICD‐10 guidelines should be considered.