This paper presents a method for synthesising the joint profiles for a planar five-link biped walking on flat ground. Both single support and double support phases are considered. The joint profiles have been determined based on constraint equations cast in terms of step length, step period, maximum step height and so on. A special constraint equation is developed to eliminate the destabilising effect of the impact (heel strike) occurring in the system. Other advantages of our joint profiles include system stability during the double support phase and repeatability of gait. The method of formulating compatible trajectories of the hip and swing limb is employed. We demonstrate the advantages of this method over the one of direct formulation of the joint profiles in that it not only significantly simplifies the problem by de-coupling the biped into three subsystems (a trunk and two lower limbs), but also allows the incorporation of certain constraints without drastically increasing the complexity of the constraint equations. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated using computer simulations. We believe that this research can provide a valuable tool for generating motion patterns of bipedal gait.