A clinical study of post-cricoid carcinoma

Conclusion. The local control rate following surgery was very high in patients with post-cricoid carcinoma; however, many of the patients undergoing surgery later developed distant metastasis. Therefore, establishment of chemotherapeutic regimens for preventing distant metastasis is desirable. Objectives. To define the clinical course of the cancer, the problems that might be associated with its treatment, and the future course of treatment of this cancer at our hospital. Patients and methods. This study included 21 patients with post-cricoid carcinoma who had undergone primary treatment at our hospital between 1989 and 2004. The present study was designed to retrospectively investigate the therapeutic outcome of post-cricoid carcinoma at our hospital. Results. The 5-year cause-specific survival rate was 52%. All the patients who eventually died did so within 3 years of the treatment. Seven patients had distant metastases, representing a higher frequency as compared with that of patients with recurrence of the primary focus and cervical lymph node metastasis. All of these patients who had been treated by surgery died of the cancer.