Stress Fluctuations for Continuously Sheared Granular Materials

Experiments on continuously sheared granular materials (glass spheres) with diameters 1.0d5mm show large fluctuations in the normal stress, σ(t). Experiments are carried out in an annular Couette geometry for rotation rates 0.003<θ̇<1rad/s. Power spectra from σ(t), P(ω), show rate invariance in the fluctuations: θ̇P(ω) is a function only of ω/θ̇, independent of θ̇. θ̇P(ω) depends relatively weakly on d. The distributions of stresses ρσ are similar to recent predictions for static arrays, but the width of ρσ varies only weakly with d, suggesting stronger spatial correlation effects than expected from theory.

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