Skeletal Identification Using the Frontal Sinus Region: A Retrospective Study of 39 Cases

The importance of identification using the frontal sinus has been previously demonstrated in case reports. In this study, 39 cases of identification using frontal sinus comparison from the Ontario Chief Coroner's Office were reviewed and differences between antemortem and postmortem radiographs examined. All cases involved decedents older than twenty years. Three cases were rejected due to poor antemortem and postmortem film quality. One subject had no frontal sinus. Thirty-five cases provided conclusive postmortem to antemortem pattern matches. Sixteen cases also yielded metric (quantitative) matches. Duration between antemortem and postmortem radiographic examinations, age, gender, and cause of death did not affect the ability to obtain a match. This is the largest study undertaken on actual cases and demonstrates the validity of frontal sinus pattern matching for forensic identification.