A method to recognize distant repeats in protein sequences

An automated algorithm is presented that delineates protein sequence fragments which display similarity. The method incorporates a selection of a number of local nonoverlapping sequence alignments with the highest similarity scores and a graphtheoretical approach to elucidate the consistent start and end points of the fragments comprising one or more ensembles of related subsequences. The procedure allows the simultaneous identification of different types of repeats within one sequence. A multiple alignment of the resulting fragments is performed and a consensus sequence derived from the ensemble(s). Finally, a profile is constructed form the multiple alignment to detect possible and more distant members within the sequence. The method tolerates mutations in the repeats as well as insertions and deletions. The sequence spans between the various repeats or repeat clusters may be of different lengths. The technique has been applied to a number of proteins where the repeating fragments have been derived from information additional to the protein sequences.