The Effect of Dietary Yeast on the Activity of Stable Chronic Crohn's Disease

The effect of dietary yeast on the activity of stable Crohn's disease was assessed in 19 patients. During the 1st month patients continued their usual diet (base-line period), but during the next 2 months dietary yeast was excluded except that during I month patients took baker's yeast capsules while for the other month they took placebo capsules. The patients' mean Pettit Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI) while taking baker's yeast (mean, 107.9; SE, 6.1) was significantly greater than during yeast exclusion (mean, 102.1; SE, 5.7; p < 0.05). The mean of each patient's maximum CDAI during yeast exclusion (mean, 107.1; SE, 5.7) was significantly lower than those during the base-line (mean, 115.2; SE, 6.1; p < 0.05) and baker's yeast inclusion periods (mean, 113.9; SE, 6.7; p < 0.05). Patients with elevated yeast antibodies tended to develop a higher CDAI while receiving baker's yeast (13 of 15). These results suggest that dietary yeast may affect the activity of Crohn's disease.