Implications and Applications of Recent Research on Feminine Development

The traditional feminine role pattern is no longer adaptive and functional for many women, because of pressures for change associated with such components of the social climate as the lengthening life span and concern about the population explosion. It is no longer physically possible nor considered socially valuable to spend a lifetime bearing and rearing children, even for those women who desire to do so. Thus the prospect or actuality of defining one's life by the wife-and-mother role creates anxiety and anger, which is increased by the awareness that society pays only lip service to so-called "feminine" qualities and behaviors, reserving power and prestige for those who achieve high status in the world of work. Clearly women need alternate bases of gratification and identity. However, these involve interconnected changes that are often painful and that require understanding and support from others which has been slow in coming. The general purpose of this paper is to provide evidence that changes in the feminine role pattern are a matter of urgency and will be beneficial to both sexes.