A respiratory‐gated treatment system for proton therapy

Proton therapy offers the potential for excellent dose conformity and reduction in integral dose. The superior dose distribution is, however, much more sensitive to changes in radiological depths along the beam path than for photon fields. Respiratory motion can cause such changes for treatments sites like lung, liver, and mediastinum and thus affect the protondose distribution significantly. We have implemented and commissioned a respiratory-gated system for range-modulated treatment fields. The gating system was designed to ensure that each gate always contains complete modulation cycles so that for any beam segment the delivered dose has the planned depth-dose distribution. Measurements have been made to estimate the time delays for the various components of the system. The total delay between the actual motion and the beam on/off control is in the range of 65 – 195 ms . Time-resolved dosemeasurements and film tests were also conducted to examine the overall gating effect.