Four major transcriptional responses in the methionine/threonine biosynthetic pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Genes encoding enzymes in the threonin/methionine biosynthetic pathwa were cloned and used to investigate their transcriptional response to signals known to affect gene expression on the basis of enzyme specific‐activities. Four major responses were evident: strong repression by methionine of MET3, MET5 and MET14, as previously described for MET3, MET2 and MET25; weak repression by methionine of MET6; weak stimulation by methionine but no response to threonine was seen for THR1, HOM2 and HOM3; no response to any of the signals tested, for HOM6 and MES1. In a BOR3 mutant, THR1, HOM2 and HOM3 mRNA levels were increased slightly. The stimulation of transcription by methionine for HOM2, HOM3 and THR1 is mediated by the GCN4 gene product and hence these genes are under the general amino acid control. In addition to the strong repression by methionine, MET5 is also regulated by the general control.