Dampak Alokasi Dana Desa, Jumlah Wajib Pajak, Jumlah Penduduk dan Luas Lahan terhadap Realisasi Penerimaan PBB-P2

This study aims to partially determine the effect of the impact of Village Fund Allocation, Population and Land area on the Realization of PBB-P2 Revenue in Jember Regency. This research is a quantitative study using survey research methods. The population of this study was all villages in Jember Regency, the sample was 44 villages with PBB-P2 acceptance that met the target. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through secondary data from literature studies and documentation of local tax revenue realization. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results of the Village Fund Allocation research variable, obtained a significant value of 0.006