“Other Cancer Survivors”: The Impact on Family and Caregivers

Care for cancer patients has changed significantly over the past 10 years and in turn, the pressure on family caregivers of these patients is increasing. The trend toward community-based medical facilities, shorter hospital stays, and growing survivorship rates all contribute to the growing burden on family caregivers. To best address the needs of caregivers, the psychosocial oncology community must seek a deeper understanding of caregiver burden and develop strategies to manage the stress that is a result of this burden. Toward this goal, The Wellness Community in partnership with the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship conducted and reported on a national survey of over 500 caregivers to look at the psychosocial impact of the disease on caregivers. The findings from this survey as well as data from The Wellness Community's online support group research were used to outline recommendations to better meet caregivers and patients.