The Effect of Axial Crown Overcontour on Adolescents

The relationship between axial crown overcontour and the health of the subjacent gingival investing tissues was investigated by placing standardized axial over-contoured facings on the buccal, axiogingival aspect of 42 premolar teeth. The gingival tissues were evaluated on the basis of clinical criteria, evaluation of standardized photographic records and by comparing gingival sulcular fluid production at test and control sites. Of the 42 test sites examined, 27 showed clinical signs of gingival inflammation and alteration of normal soft tissue architecture after a period of 42 to 49 days. There was a significant correlation as measured by die Spearman rank correlation technique between data derived from clinical examination and data obtained from interpretation of standardized photographic material. Evaluation of Test Site to Control Site Gingival sulcular fluid score quotients was suggestive of some degradation of the gingival tissues at the test sites, but no significant correlation was found. It may be concluded that alteration of normal crown form by overcontouring the buccal, axial third of a tooth may be a factor which predisposes the subjacent gingival tissues to inflammatory disease.

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