Occurrence of moniliformin, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)

Forty-eight durum wheat samples from 5 locations in Austria were examined forFusarium infection andFusarium toxin content.F.gramlnearum andF.avenaceum were by far the prevailingFusarium species In durum wheat kernels, followed byEpoae, F.culmorum, andF.equlsetl. Ion-paired HPLC analyses of the samples showed moniliformin contents of kernels up to 0.88 mg/kg. All moniliformin contaminated samples also contained high levels of deoxynivalenol (up to 8.2 mg/kg) and lower levels of zearalenone (Fusarium toxins from durum wheat kernels into pasta are discussed.