Neural and Vascular Tissue Reaction to Cyanoacrylate Adhesives: A Further Report

The effect of a new tissue adhesive, carbohexoxymethyl 2-cyanoacrylate monomer (Ethicon CHC), was evaluated in six cats divided into two groups. With the cats under barbiturate anesthesia, Ethicon CHC was applied to the left cruciate cortex and the left femoral neurovascular bundle. Normal saline was applied to the right side for control. The first group (n = 4) and the second group (n = 2) were killed 4 and 7 days, respectively, after application of the adhesive. Neuropathological examination revealed meningeal necrosis, astrocytosis, vascular wall degeneration, hemorrhage, and inflammatory reaction in both groups. This adhesive does not display the ideal property of inertness, which would permit its safe use. Focal tissue reactions caused by the adhesives in sensitive areas of the cortex can result in significant neurological deficit.