Family functioning and emotional state two and five years after traumatic brain injury

Previous studies have documented poor family functioning, anxiety, and depression in relatives of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, few studies have examined family functioning over extended periods after injury. The present study aimed to investigate family functioning and relatives’ emotional state 2 and 5 years following TBI, predictive factors, and their interrelationships. Participants were individuals with TBI and their relatives, with 301 seen at 2 years and 266 at 5 years post-injury. Measures included a Structured Outcome Questionnaire, Family Assessment Device (FAD), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique. Results showed that while the group did not differ greatly in family functioning from a normative group, a significant proportion showed unhealthy functioning across most FAD subscales. Both TBI participants and their relatives showed elevated rates of anxiety and depression. There was little difference between family functioning or relatives’ anxiety or depression levels at 2 and 5 years post-injury. Path analysis indicated that neurobehavioral changes in the injured individual have an impact on family functioning and distress in relatives even at 5 years post-injury. These findings indicate the need for long-term support of families with a brain-injured member. (JINS, 2010,16, 306–317.)