Cancer-Related Information Seeking and Scanning Behavior of Older Vietnamese Immigrants

Information seeking and scanning refers to active pursuit of information and passive exposure, respectively. Cancer (ca) is the leading cause of mortality for Asian Americans, yet little is known about their ca information seeking/scanning behaviors (SSB). We aimed to evaluate ca SSB among older limited English proficient (LEP) Vietnamese immigrants, compared to Whites/African Americans. 104 semi-structured interviews about breast/prostate/colon ca SSB (age 50–70) were conducted in English and Vietnamese, transcribed, and coded for frequency of source use, active/passive nature, depth of recall, and relevance to decisions. Higher SSB was associated with ca screening. In contrast to non-Vietnamese, SSB for Vietnamese was low. Median # of ca screening sources was 2 (vs. 8–9 for non-Vietnamese). They also had less seeking, lower recall, and less decision-making relevance for information on colon ca and all ca combined. Overall, Vietnamese had lower use of electronic, print, and interpersonal sources for ca SSB, but more research is needed to disentangle potential effects of ethnicity and education. This study brings to light striking potential differences between ca SSB of older LEP Vietnamese compared to Whites/African Americans. Knowledge of SSB patterns among linguistically isolated communities is essential for efficient dissemination of cancer information to these at-risk communities.