Deformation Potentials and Mobilities in Non-Polar Crystals

The method of effective mass, extended to apply to gradual shifts in energy bands resulting from deformations of the crystal lattice, is used to estimate the interaction between electrons of thermal energy and the acoustical modes of vibration. The mobilities of electrons and holes are thus related to the shifts of the conduction and valence-bond (filled) bands, respectively, associated with dilations of longitudinal waves. The theory is checked by comparison of the sum of the shifts of the conduction and valence-bond bands, as derived from the mobilities, with the shift of the energy gap with dilation. The latter is obtained independently for silicon, germanium and tellurium from one or more of the following: (1) the change in intrinsic conductivity with pressure, (2) the change in resistance of an np junction with pressure, and (3) the variation of intrinsic concentration with temperature and the thermal expansion coefficient. Higher mobilities of electrons and holes in germanium as compared with silicon are correlated with a smaller shift of energy gap with dilation.