New views on periodontal microbiota in special patient categories

The microorganisms in periodontitis of special patient categories have been only partially elucidated. The periodontitis microbiota of HIV-infected individuals, cancer patients on myelosuppressive therapy, and persons with other medical disorders includes common suspected periodontal pathogens as well as enteric rods, pseudomonads, staphylococci and yeasts. Failing implants also may be associated with classical periodontal pathogens as well as primarily nonoral potential pathogens. Refractory periodontitis in systemically healthy adults can show a great variety of oral and nonoral organisms. The frequent occurrence of unusual periodontal organisms in special patient categories may be due to a weakened host response and/or usage of various chemotherapeutic regimens. The unusual organisms may contribute to progressive periodontitis and in leukemia patients may even give rise to life-threatening systemic manifestations. The primary therapeutic goal in special periodontitis patients is control of pathogens and amid the wide range of pathogenic microfloras, an effective treatment strategy should include a comprehensive microbiological analysis, especially if systemic antimicrobial therapy is contemplated.