Moving Through the Unusual Paths of Rosa: An Analysis of "Chronos kai Anagke"

Published in 2011, by Nova Fronteira, the volume of short stories Antes das primeiras estorias brings together four short stories from the youth of Joao Guimaraes Rosa (1908-1967) published in the magazine O Cruzeiro and in the daily O Jornal. Although they have not yet received due attention by the specialized critics, the short stories of this collection flirt with the strands of the literature of the unusual and show a facet of his work that will be further refined in the narratives of regionalist matrix. The aim of this study is to present an analysis of the short story "Chronos kai Anagke" through the perspective of one of these strands. Based on the theoretical framework of Tzvetan Todorov and Filipe Furtado, we will demonstrate that this short story fits into what Todorov calls "pure fantastic".