Do euglossine males (Apidae, Euglossini) leave tropical rainforest to collect fragrances in sugarcane monocultures?

Euglossine bees are known to be long-distance pollinators in tropical rainforests. But there is controversy concerning to the flight ranges of these bees between forest fragments. In an isolated fragment of Atlantic Rainforest in Pernambuco, NE Brazil, surrounded by sugarcane monocultures, it was examined if euglossine males leave closed rainforest to collect fragrances. In a straight-line transect leading from forest into a sugarcane plantation, euglossine males were simultaneously captured by scent baits at seven distinct points: inside the forest, forest edge, outside the forest in the sugarcane fields at distances of 10 m, 50 m, 100 m, 250 m and 500 m from the forest edge. A total of 945 euglossine bees of 16 species were recorded. The results demonstrate different relations of the Euglossini species to the closed forest. Males of 11 species did not leave the forest. Such species, together with the plants they are linked to, seem to be the most threatened by habitat fragmentation. Only bees of five species were found at the scent baits in the sugarcane fields. Already the 10 m sampling point outside the forest showed a drastic reduction in species richness, indicating that the forest edge functions as a barrier for most euglossine species.