A study was carried out in Pettavaithalai area to evaluate the current status of physico-chemical contaminants and their sources in groundwater. Groundwater samples collected from pettavaithalai area in 15 different stations were analyzed every alternative months over a period of two years from August 2000 to June 2002. A sugar mill is situated at the heart of the study area. Three profiles (profile A, B and C) were selected based on the direction in which the sugar mill effluent flows. In each profile five samples were collected from five different station at a regular distance of about 1 Km. The physico-chemical parameters such as pH, EC TDS, TH, NO3, SO4, PO4, Na, K, Ca, Mg, DO, BOD and COD have been analyzed. The results showed that among the three profiles, many of the estimated physico-chemical parameters of profile C were very high when compared to profile B and A which indicates the poor quality of the groundwater around this area.