The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia enables predictive modelling of anticancer drug sensitivity

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The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia presents the first results from a large-scale screen of some 947 cancer cell lines with 24 anticancer drugs, with the aim of identifying specific genomic alterations and gene expression profiles associated with selective sensitivity or resistance to potential therapeutic agents. Cancer cell lines are widely used as preclinical models to gain mechanistic and therapeutic insight. Two manuscripts in this issue describe the large-scale genetic and pharmacological characterization of human cancer cell lines. Each group characterized collections of several-hundred cell lines using different platforms and analytical methods. Their results are complementary, and confirm that many human cell lines capture the genomic diversity of their respective cancers. Initial findings include the identification of a number of potential markers of drug sensitivity and resistance. For example, Garnett et al. report an association between EWS-FLI1 gene translocations, frequently found in Ewing's sarcoma, and sensitivity to PARP inhibitors, a class of drug currently in clinical trials for other cancer types. Barretina et al. report a possible association between SLFN11 expression and sensitivity to topoisomerase inhibitors. The systematic translation of cancer genomic data into knowledge of tumour biology and therapeutic possibilities remains challenging. Such efforts should be greatly aided by robust preclinical model systems that reflect the genomic diversity of human cancers and for which detailed genetic and pharmacological annotation is available1. Here we describe the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE): a compilation of gene expression, chromosomal copy number and massively parallel sequencing data from 947 human cancer cell lines. When coupled with pharmacological profiles for 24 anticancer drugs across 479 of the cell lines, this collection allowed identification of genetic, lineage, and gene-expression-based predictors of drug sensitivity. In addition to known predictors, we found that plasma cell lineage correlated with sensitivity to IGF1 receptor inhibitors; AHR expression was associated with MEK inhibitor efficacy in NRAS-mutant lines; and SLFN11 expression predicted sensitivity to topoisomerase inhibitors. Together, our results indicate that large, annotated cell-line collections may help to enable preclinical stratification schemata for anticancer agents. The generation of genetic predictions of drug response in the preclinical setting and their incorporation into cancer clinical trial design could speed the emergence of ‘personalized’ therapeutic regimens2.